The Church of the Good Shepherd, Cashiers
celebrates our first
Posada Navideña
The Posada (Spanish for “lodging”) has been celebrated in Colonial Mexico since as early as 1587 and it commemorates Mary & Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. In three short “acts,” including song and scripture, we follow the Holy Family as they search for lodging on the night of Jesus’ birth. It will be performed entirely in Spanish, with written side-by-side English translation provided.
The Posada offers an opportunity to experience an ancient Christian tradition as we ourselves prepare to open our doors to Christ this Christmas. The procession will be followed by a pot-luck and a piñata. All are welcome.
Please join us December 18th at 6 pm!
La Iglesia Episcopa del Buen Pastor
celebra nuestra primera
Posada Navideña
Con sus raices en los tiempos coloniales en México, Las Posadas se han celebrado desde 1587, conmemorando el viaje de Maria y José a Belén. En trés actos cortos con canciones y escritura, seguimos la Sagrada Familia mientras buscan posada la primera Nochebuena.
La Posada Navideña nos da la oportunidad de encontranos en una tradición antigua Cristiana mientras preparamos a nosotros mismos abrir nuestras puertas y corazones al niño Jesús este Navidad. Habrá comida de traje después y una piñata. Todos están invitados!
¡Vengan el 18 de diciembre a las 6 pm!
celebrates our first
Posada Navideña
The Posada (Spanish for “lodging”) has been celebrated in Colonial Mexico since as early as 1587 and it commemorates Mary & Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. In three short “acts,” including song and scripture, we follow the Holy Family as they search for lodging on the night of Jesus’ birth. It will be performed entirely in Spanish, with written side-by-side English translation provided.
The Posada offers an opportunity to experience an ancient Christian tradition as we ourselves prepare to open our doors to Christ this Christmas. The procession will be followed by a pot-luck and a piñata. All are welcome.
Please join us December 18th at 6 pm!
La Iglesia Episcopa del Buen Pastor
celebra nuestra primera
Posada Navideña
Con sus raices en los tiempos coloniales en México, Las Posadas se han celebrado desde 1587, conmemorando el viaje de Maria y José a Belén. En trés actos cortos con canciones y escritura, seguimos la Sagrada Familia mientras buscan posada la primera Nochebuena.
La Posada Navideña nos da la oportunidad de encontranos en una tradición antigua Cristiana mientras preparamos a nosotros mismos abrir nuestras puertas y corazones al niño Jesús este Navidad. Habrá comida de traje después y una piñata. Todos están invitados!
¡Vengan el 18 de diciembre a las 6 pm!
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina
Good Shepherd's Mission Statement
“To reflect God’s love through our Faith in Action”
“To reflect God’s love through our Faith in Action”
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 32 Cashiers, NC 28717 Address: 1448 Highway 107 South Cashiers, North Carolina 28717 Contact Ellen Albright, Parish Administrator Phone: 828-743-2359 Fax: 828-743-9138 Email: [email protected] |
From the intersection of US 64 and NC 107 in Cashiers, NC, we are 1.5 miles south on NC 107, on the right, and across the street from the entrance to High Hampton Inn. |